Perineural Injection Therapy

Perineural Injection Therapy

Natural injections for irritated nerves, joint pain, and inflammation.

When areas of the body are damaged, injured, or strained due to repetitive use, there can be a build up of inflammation leading to pain. This stagnate inflammation is associated with irritated nerves, and it is consider neurogenic inflammation. These irritated nerves become hypersensitive leading to tense muscles and neuropathic pain.

Perineural Injection Therapy reduces neurogenic inflammation allowing nerves to heal. It is a natural and effective treatment for neuropathic and myofascial pain. Perineural Injection Therapy involves a series of small injections under the skin and target the superficial nerves. Perineural Injection Therapy consists of a dilute dextrose solution that is gentle and shown to treat the irritated and inflamed nerves. This treatment reduces neurogenic inflammation, restores the health of the nerves, and reduce pain.

Conditions commonly treated with Perineural Injection Therapy:

  • Acute and Chronic pain

  • Low Back Pain

  • Sciatica

  • TMJ and Neck Pain

  • Tension Headaches

  • Sprained Ankles

  • Shoulder Pain

  • and many more!

Optimization Programs for Joint Pain

Perineural Injection Therapy is individualized and specific to each patient’s health goals. Dr. Romero offers comprehensive care programs that include Perineural Injection Therapy and customized to your needs. Along with nutrition and lifestyle changes, Dr. Romero takes a comprehensive approach to your healthcare. Start your journey towards pain-free living!